martes, 22 de mayo de 2007

Joss Whedon on feminism

So I stopped by Whedonesque this weekend, as the faithful Buffy-verse fan that I am and on the weblog I found one of the best and most moving defenses of women's equality that I have read in a fairly long time. His post was prompted by the video posting of the "honor killing" of the teenager Dua Khalil Aswad who was stoned, kicked and beaten to death by a mob of angry men (some of them her relatives) for having a relationship with someone outside of her faith. This is obviously not the first or the last time this happens but the fact that there are men on the first row, filming with their cellphones as if it was mere entertainment is sickening; the fact that it is done in broad daylight practically in the presence of authorities speaks lengths about women's standing in this so-called modern and civilized world. And this is not a rant about "them" it is not a condescending "poor uncivilized people" rant, this I believe concerns us all, it has a whole lot of undertones and is present everywhere albeit in different degrees, heck, I could keep writing but I believe Joss puts it a lot more eloquently so do yourself a favor and read it here

Oh and also check:

Equality now

I get the irony of a man writing a feminist essay. But then again, if you believe in true equality, it shouldn’t be a surprise that a man could be a feminist or that a woman could be a sexist (and I've for sure met both). So if anything deserves to be beaten and buried, it is the man-hating feminist myth. It’s not doing us any favors.